Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Presidents Poem

So, it is a sad day. A man who has meant a lot to me and my brothers and sisters passed away this week. Dr. B is what we called him. He was amazing. He was our 6th Grade teacher. He was more than a teacher he was our family friend. We played with his kids and we knew that he loved us also. He taught at West Elementary in St. George Utah. We were trying to remember a poem that he had us memorize. This is all I could come up with. I only remember the first 8 presidents. I found the rest on the internet and the last part is being pieced together by a classmate named Rachel Melville. Thanks Rachel.

George Washington, the choice of all
By John Adams was succeeded.
And then came Thomas Jefferson,
Who bought the land we needed.
Next Madison was called upon,
To keep our Nobleman.
And James Monroe then ushered in,
The Era of Good Feeling.
John Quincy Adams was the next,
And then came Andrew Jackson.
And after him Van Buren came,
And the Panics wild distraction.
Then Harrison for one month ruled,
And Taylor came in order,
And Polk and war with Mexico,
About a little border.
Then General Taylor was the choice,
But after one year only
Death called the hero to his rest
And left the chair to Fillmore.
Then Pierce and James Buchanan came
And the War closed thickly lowered.
And Lincoln was the chosen one,
The statesman for the hour.
Then after Lincoln's martyrdom,
Came Johnson of Tennessee.
And Grant a war time hero
The Silent Man was he.
Then R.B. Hayes was counted in, then
Garfield, second martyr,
Whose term was ended peaceably by
Chester Adams Arthur.
Next Cleveland came and Harrison,
then Cleveland came once more.
Then Roosevelt came to serve the state,
The people called him Teddy,
Then William .Howard Taft came on,
for duty ever ready.
Then Woodrow Wilson came to fill the
loftiest of stations.
He steered the Ship of State throughout
the World War of the Nations.
Next Harding ruled a few short
months, and Coolidge then succeeded,
Hoover served his country well
wherever he is needed.

31. Herbert Hoover
32. Franklin D. Roosevelt
33. Harry S Truman

34. Dwight D. Eisenhower
35. John F. Kennedy
36. Lyndon Johnson

37. Richard Nixon
38. Gerald Ford
Carter keeps peanuts in his jeans..Reagan he likes jellybeans!


Janalee, Ryan, Emilee said...

I'm sorry Lisa. Teachers really do influence our lives. It was a wonderful tribute by posting something memorable that he taught you.

Mary's Well-loved Books said...

It's interesting to me that my grandmother, who was born in 1881, had a slightly different version (and she and my aunt updated from Garfield onward). Mary

Mary's Well-loved Books said...

It's interesting to me that my grandmother, who was born in 1881, had a slightly different version (and she and my aunt updated from Garfield onward). Mary

Aimee said...

Wow- I was just looking up this poem so I could teach my kids. I had Dr B too. What a great teacher!

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